Sunday, June 10, 2012

Of Cobweb and my new friends who inspired me:)

I have not been blogging here for ages. Nearly four years of collecting digital cobwebs in this blog:) and I am doing spring cleaning today. Thank you Zaid Ali Alsagoff for making me blog again, I confess, I have been wanting to this so many times in the last 4 years! Of course this will absolutely BENEFIT me in so many ways especially when I am trying to finish my Permanent Head Damage journey:) Not forgetting Norhayati Maskat, who would willingly jump off Titanic with me;) so that I can start organizing my knowledge in a better way..Thank you! Way to go girl;) So, move aside Russell comes ME:) What then will I share? I have been involved with Web 3D for teaching and learning. I own a 3D Virtual space hosted by ReactionGrid. This is an OpenSimulator 3D Virtual World that is similar to Second Life. I use the former because of my learners, they are secondary school students in Shah Alam Selangor. Second Life has age restriction (and Facebook too, check out teachers and parents: make sure FB is used for learners age 13+). I will start blogging about my experience, and will link this site to a few other sites that I own and have not been responsible maintaining them:( Okay, now for my to other sites!


ZaidLearn said...

Yeah! Great to see you back!

Never too late! Anyway, your expertise in 3D worlds and education is so inspiring it must be unleashed to the world :) Thanks for joining the Learning Gladiators!

ZaidLearn said...

Just tweeted this:

I noticed your Twitter ID was not accessible... Please post the right one (In LIC), and I will update it :)

Teachermimma said...

Thank you Zaid:) again.
Twitter ID not accessible? Right, will look into it.